February 01, 2018

These macarons are dedicated to the iconic blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe. I was inspired to bake these Marilyn Monroe Macarons after reading the book "Marilyn in Manhatten" by Elizabeth Winder. The book takes an exclusive look of the movie star's year in New York, not long before her tragic end. 

marilyn in manhattan her year of joy

“Marilyn in Manhattan” takes off from the true, hardly undocumented fact that Monroe came to New York in December 1954 after burning bridges with 20th Century Fox, her husband Joe DiMaggio, and a movie industry that wanted to see her forever trapped in sexpot roles when her own ambitions were arguably more serious. - Source

From the book: "It must have taken great courage to quit Hollywood as you did, to give up all the luxury, the money, the importance - after being so very poor," said Elsa Maxwell, who spoke to her months later.

"No," Marilyn said softly, "No, Elsa, it didn't take any courage at all. To have stayed took more courage than I had."

When I began to read the book, I didn't know much about Marilyn except her signature blonde glamour, and the abrupt way she chose to leave the world. After each chapter, I learnt more and more about her - that she had a tortured childhood, and a sadness that lingered on into adulthood. ("This was a girl who had nothing but the great gem that she was, and everyone go to hold and fondle that gem, and then put it back when they were done with it". )

Sadly, the world failed to notice the other side of her. She indulged in books (who would have thought that she's actually a bookworm?), and she had the attitude to "laugh at yourself before anyone else can." A fascinatingly beautiful fact is she often went makeup-free - that in itself is so progressive for a movie star at that time. 

Above all, Marilyn is so much more deep, complex, and multi-faceted than Hollywood painted her to be, and she was fighting to break out of the mould every step of the way during her time in New York. 

Like Marilyn said, "All we demanded was our right to twinkle."

"Life starts from NOW."
- Marilyn Monroe

"She was kind, she was good, she was beautiful."
- Jerry Lewis on Marilyn Monroe

"All any of us have is what we carry with us, 
is the satisfaction we get from doing what we're doing 
and the way we're doing it."

by Sumopocky

Approximately 3 Full-Body Macarons + 5 Head-Only Macarons

[For Macaron Shells]
Meringue: 35g of Egg whites + 45g of Castor sugar
40g of Almond flour
40g of Powdered/icing sugar
Food colouring: Black, Brown, Blue, Red

[For Filling]
Click here to fill with your desired flavour!

Macaron Template
Download Marilyn Monroe Macaron Template

[For Macaron Shells]
1. Make the meringue. In a bowl, beat the egg whites on low speed using an electric mixer until it is white and frothy (approximately 1 minute). Gradually add the sugar 1/4 at a time. When the first addition of sugar has completely dissolved (approximately 1 minute later), increase the mixer speed to medium and add until all the sugar has been incorporated. Continue to beat until stiff peaks form. [Basic Macaron Tutorial Video]
2. Sift the almond flour and icing sugar to the meringue.
3. Begin macaronage. Using a spatula, start the macaronage process by folding and lightly scraping the top of the batter. Continue till the ingredients just start to combine.
4. Then, split the batter and continue to macaronage process, until you get a molten-like mixture and drips down like a ribbon when lifted. Transfer to piping bags.
Colour of Batter
Piping Tip
Skin Tone (a bit of sifted cocoa powder)
Light Yellow
1 tbsp
1 tsp
1/5 of batter
2/5 of batter
2/5 of batter
Very small
Very Small
Small + Very Small
5. Pipe out batter onto parchment paper. Please refer to video above for demonstration.
6. Let the shells dry in a non humid place or in an air conditioned room. You should be able to touch it gently with the tip of your finger without it sticking.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for approximately 12 - 15 minutes.
8. Let shells cool before piping with filling. Enjoy!

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  10. I truly adored this Marilyn Monroe macaron recipe! The subtle flavours and stylish appearance truly do her justice. I created these for a special event, and they were a big success! As I sipped champagne in my kitchen while wearing my favourite a brown leather jacket, I couldn't help but imagine how Marilyn would have appreciated such a sophisticated, timeless pleasure. Thank you for sharing this fantastic recipe.
