Emoji Macarons
January 14, 2015
Hi! Valentine's day is just around the corner, and what better way to express your emotions with these expressive Emoji macarons! Show your love in a yummy form... or maybe hate, shyness, heartbreak, flirtation and many more.

What a vast difference there is between Emojis and the old emoticons, impacting the way we text. Here are 5 ways Emojis has changed texting.
1. When you are in shock, you can be as appalled as the person in The Scream painting. Every day I receive shocking messages, and my heart screams like this Emoji when I read them.
2. When you come across something ridiculous, inexplicable, and down-right funny, you can now cry from laughter.
My friends and I use this Emoji frequently. It is probably one of my favourite Emojis as it aptly depicts the feeling of wanting to laugh-and-cry in a comically terrible situation. I use it whenever something bad happens to me, but the situation would have been something terrible funny that happens to a character in a sitcom.

3. Take flirtation to another level with Emojis that blow kisses and wink. 
You can even be cheeky and leave lipstick stains 

4. Just left someone a cool message? You can now accompany it with a cool Emoji. Can this sunglasses dude get any cooler?
(Actually no, I must admit he looks pretty lame sometimes. But he does come in handy to depict douche bags.)

Specially for Valentine's Day, you can order a box of macarons with a Valentine's day greeting and an Emoji macaron of your choice (or a macaron with a name written on it)! Each box of ten macarons is sold at $35, inclusive of complementary gift box packaging.

5 Dark Chocolate and 5 Raspberry Macarons in a box

Choose your favourite Emoji to go in the gift box

Choose your favourite Emoji to go in the gift box