Mistletoe Macarons
December 03, 2014
Tradition has it that two shall kiss if they are found standing beneath a mistletoe.It is hard to come across an actual mistletoe in Singapore, but these Mistletoe Macarons would do the trick too! ;)

Filled with white chocolate raspberry ganache, a kiss followed by a bite of these macarons is certain to fill your heart with sweetness.

You can find the mistletoe icing toppings from bakery stores like Bake King. They come with all kinds of festive icing too, which really comes in handy for decorating Christmas desserts.

Baking these Christmas treats has left me longing for a snowy white holiday.overseas. Yet as beautiful as winter gets, I am reminded of how I froze my butt off in Kobe in the winter of 2012. My celebration of the first snowfall in Tokyo was also short-lived, because after I danced in them happily and made a snow angel, the snow melted unforgivingly on my clothes and left me damp and shivering. I suppose beauty comes at a price, even for nature.
But it is such a small price to pay in exchange for the beauty of winter and when the surrounding is blanketed with a breathtaking layer of pristine white snow. Suddenly, the world would appear more friendly and less harsh; The sharp edges of buildings are softened with white snow. The city is reborn, with the snow acting as a layer of fresh paint. The air is filled with gratitude from simple pleasures like a warm cup of coffee and hot cocoa. Loved ones huddle together like Emperor penguins for warmth, Your senses are numbed and your only sensations are on the things that matter, That is the beauty of winter.