Laduréed: The Sweet Project

May 05, 2014

Hi everyone. I'm embarking on an a new baking adventure, titled "Laduréed: The Sweet Project" in which I endeavour to bake the recipes in the Ladurée Sucre recipe book. It's just like in the movie "Julie and Julia" where the young Julie attempts every recipe in Julia's cookbook. 

After baking each dessert, I'd be posting the recipe on this space. Regardless of whether they turned out successful, you can expect to see updates about my kitchen mishaps, time spent at war in the kitchen, and the difficulty level of the pastries. You can then avoid the mistakes I made, and hopefully have more luck if you ever attempt the recipes :) 

I must admit, I've had this book for almost a year now, but I've only tried a couple of the macaron filling recipes as the other recipes appear so daunting. After all, it's Ladurée. But if I ever want to improve I'd need to challenge myself and take on more complicated recipes, right? 

This is the first official project that I have set for myself, and I'm eager to see where this brings me as an ardent baker. I believe failures in the kitchen are all part and parcel of life as a baking enthusiast (regardless of how sad and frustrating it can get. There are times where I simply feel like throwing away failed batches!!!) 

I'll be blogging about my first attempt from the book soon. So join me as I try to recreate these delightful french pastries?  

Your fellow kitchen warrior

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